Kristen W

Smiley by @krisw (Kristen W)

For some reason I drew this chick. This is the second drawing of her....might upload the other one later.

I haven't been able to draw lately and this is all that has come out of me. Well, this and a smattering of realistic looking eyes. I'm obssesed(ooooo, look at this spellling.....i can't spell right now) with drawing eyes for some reason and try to make them as life like as possible, even though the rest of the person may look fake. XD

So, this chick is dubbed Smiley. I think it's kinda inspired by one of the customers at McMurder who calls me smiley because I smile so much when ever he comes in. ^_^ You gotta love the senoirs. :D The only down side is their bridge games every thursday. XD But, they know us all by name. ^.^

Rough / Concept
20y152d ago
Other Work By @krisw

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