Amber Humes

"Dog's Age" front cover by @Amborg (Amber Humes)

We have an assignment in Graphics class in which we have to design a book cover (front, back, spine). I asked Ryan if I could use one of his story things, and he said I could, so here it is.

If you pay attention, you'll recognize that the chick on the left is not one of his characters. This is because I was just doodling her up in math class and realized that the way she was positioned and such was prime for making my cover. So I just added in Killswitch (the big guy with ugly teeth) and then Cerberos (the other guy). Both of them are Ryan's characters.

I'm aware that this is nowhere near as awesome as his was, but I'm proud of how good this is for only spending an hour and a half on it.

I apologize for the smudginess, but you can be expecting a cleaner, colored version soon. I may also upload the back cover/spine designs for the book, assuming they turn out well.

20y101d ago
Other Work By @Amborg

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