Stitch Le Sucre

Kingdom Chaos: Population 8
Kingdom Chaos: Population 8 by @MI (Stitch Le Sucre)

My Joes rock. Yeah, um, the first guy I drew in that style I called Joe, so now the whole style is Joe, and they're my Joes. Anyway...

This is the cover of a comic I'm working on. Now starting from the upside-down guy with the sunglasses. He's Prince 'Bad Boy' Barney. The legs are Arrow Adam. The on the left side with black hair is Tara, and the with black hair on the left is her twin, Tari. The on the left in the orangey-red dress is Rebecca, who thinks she's Rapunzel. The green blob is the same person as the green fairy in the corner. Her name's Absinthe. She does not get people drunk, though. The cat is called Curious, which is why he has wings and a halo. ("Curiousity killed the cat"-get it?) The last is Sarah, who prefers, "Her y Highness, Satine.".

Yup, they are one large batch of weirdos.

Finished Work
20y73d ago
Other Work By @MI

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