Anne E. Gipple

Art 133... - Rozalyn
Art 133... - Rozalyn by @annegipp (Anne E. Gipple)

The band's drummer is a psychotic goth-punk albino rat. Inspired by my sister's best friend in high school, although I'm not sure she'd agree. No, not the rat part! I didnt mean that! (c;

And she's named after the Shakespeare character in As You Like It (who dressed up as a man first to stay alive, and then to tease her boyfriend) and not after the Frasier character. So there. (c:

I still need a lead guitarist, but I totally cant think of a character.

Any minor resemblances to Jennifer Rodriguez's character Pacrat are completely unintentional, but now that I look at it I realize I may have to change a few things.

Like Jennifer Rodriguez frequents my Side7 gallery.

22y210d ago
Other Work By @annegipp

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