Hayley Price

Random Battle! Robot attacks!
Random Battle! Robot attacks! by @catrine (Hayley Price)

It's an actual comic strip! It doesn't fit in with my comic storyline, since Rae and Sartus haven't gotten far enough to face big scary robots yet.

It struck me that I haven't uploaded anything here about Sartus, and he's been around for AGES (even if he wasn't named). He's pitifully underdeveloped character-wise. I can't write for guys . . . it's so pathetic . . . so, in an attempt to round him out more, I bestowed upon him the one Catrine-ian trait that I couldn't possibly apply to Rae: The ability to effortlessly blend into the background and become an overlooked innocent bystander.

For those of you who are not RPG-savvy (such as myself, before my bizzare addiction to RPG comics), NPC stands for Non-Playable Character or Non-Player Character, depending on who you ask. NPCs are those people who walk back and forth and tell you the same thing everytime you talk to them. They say things like 'There are Many Guards in the Castle' and 'sigh Times are Tough'.

Sartus has a big invisible sign hanging over his head that says, in blinking lights, 'NPC'. Rae would have one that says 'Hero', or maybe 'Mercenary' or 'Fighter'. It's hard to tell what Rae is, other than she's a fighter.

Back to Sartus. He has limited psychic powers, because no one trained him. he can sense things a little. He came from a large family and was sorta passed around a lot in the confusion. He has blue hair and yellow fur.

Because he was an apprentice seer (for about three days), he wears an apprentice seer's robe. I REALLY need to find him a better outfit. First of all, I have problems drawing male characters, and so far my ONLY male character wears a DRESS. Second of all, I know it and he knows it, once the quest gets underway anyone seeing him walking around in robes is gonna think he's a MAGE. He's gotta change his look to avoid getting burnt to a crisp by enemies trying to get the first hit in. Poor Sarty. He doesn't really have any special abilities. Anyone have any ideas for a decent outfit?

Also, I got his name from Faulkner's short story, Barn Burning. The kid's name there is Satoris, or Sarty for short. Sarty sounded too familiar and child-like, so I shortened Sartoris to Sartus and tacked it on him. But I still call him Sarty in my head.

Sorry if you can't read the handwriting on this.

22y78d ago
Other Work By @catrine

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