Larry McKee

Sir K and Tajiri
Sir K and Tajiri by @sketchtucker (Larry McKee)

These two are bad guys! Yay! I may ink and color these two in at a later date.

These two were created by Dr. Jett, a former rival of the Tengu Company business-wise. Since Sketch's creation "Takeshi," Dr. Jett strived to make better androids. What he created were three dangerous robots, which when activated had destroyed his company, as well as himself. Since then, the robots have run amuck and caused Sketch and his friends quite a bit if trouble.

To the left is Sir K. In order to expand his life and efficiency, Sir K launched a giant sattelite in orbit that gives him a tremendous amount of power. He is obsessed with draining the energy of the world in order to become the strongest in the universe. He has no legs, so his "shins" are attracted and controlled by a magnetic generator, making him rather flexible. He also wields a long red saber. He despises the Takeshi and wishes to deactivate and/or destroy him.

Tajiri, on the right, acts as an assistant to Sir K. Tajiri realizes that what he does is wrong, but he does Sir K's bidding in order to stay efficient. He focuses on performing to the best of his abilities and successfully completing the programs he is given. He calls any program he obtains "the process" and will kill anyone who interferes. He wields a strange cannon that doubles as a sabre. He doesn't fly, but he is extremely quick; he can even make the illusion of there being several copies of him.

Not shown is Rommulus. Considering the capabilities and actions of Rommulus, it's uncertain whether he's friend or foe. As mysterious as the Takeshi, he appears at random, fighting an unsuspecting opponent. Not much can be said of him yet. A tuft of "hair" hides his right eye, though no one has ever seen it...and LIVED...

21y306d ago
Other Work By @sketchtucker

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