Her!!! by @NamelessDragonic (Kim Cyr)
And this is what my artist block created.. HER! She's this kind of snake-lady/girl with elf-ish ears, one bigger than the other, having messed up hair, weird eyes with only one having eye lashes, four pointy teeth on one side of the mouth, one pointy teeth on the other side, an evil toungue sticking out, stick arms and grasping fingers and finally, a super long body. She is the one that makes me block.. and gives me typos o.o Under her "BOOOGA!" is lil me saying: my artist block created a munster! x-x Oh yeah... my mom was trying to convince me that she might be my alter ego... o.o HAHAHAHAHHAHAAAA!!!! XD Artwork © Copyright 2002 Kim Cyr
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