Iris van Blijderveen

Xenzis versus Croptar
Xenzis versus Croptar by @punkyfox (Iris van Blijderveen)

Xenzis [the fox] is the main character from a book I wrote [which i finished one, one and half a year ago or so], De Mythen Van Dieronië. [which is dutch, and Dieronië is the made-up name of the land they live in. :) So translated that would be The Myths Of Dieronië. Though Dieronië sounds very dutch] Anyway, Croptar [the lion in the background] is her rival, and has been since childhood. (: Story = too complicated to go 'n explain to you, and unfortunately you can't read it either because a) i lost the floppy with the book on it. oops. there is only one of it, a printed out version out of which the typo's and spelling mistakes have also been sorted out. ^^ b) it is written in dutch. Hm, anyway, in the end they're facing each other. The sword Xenzis is holding is the Dragon Sword, a legendary sword with which Arturo [legendary fox] once beat Sonzo the Evil, too. ^^ The clothes Xenzis is wearing are those she wears about the entire book. Though I think officially, she's wearing the Pearl Armor [legendary armor. goes with the sword. :P] in that scene. But ah well. ^_^; I should re-read it sometimes, and re-do the first two chapters, hmm-mm...

Finished Work
20y349d ago
Other Work By @punkyfox

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