Jessica Hayes

McSketches by @jesshaye (Jessica Hayes)

I was working the back window of drive-thru, and it was very nice there. Air conditioned (it was up in the 100s, whoo), AND it can get so backed up that I can't leave in case the line of cars move and I have to pick up money, but it can take a minute or two to get them moving again, so I doodle. XD I want to work back there more!

There was a roll of paper towels above my head, and a pen on my desk for checks, and I was able to sketch/write 3 comic page ideas for Something, and here you can se them all together. (And you can see me dancing with Sho!)

And so you know, for some reason, behind the doddle of little kid Sho, is a flaming Larry 3000 (Time Squad). I don't know why. It's kinda sad. Artwork © Copyright 2002 Jessica Hayes

Rough / Concept
21y355d ago
Other Work By @jesshaye

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