Nekiru walking inda snow by @NamelessDragonic (Kim Cyr)
A more serious drawing of my char from Harry Potter. I don't have a family name for her yet... I FERGIN' SUCK at making up/finding names... >.<*
See the blue scarf? It means she be in Ravenclaw... EEEE! ^0^ I want one fer X-Mas.. o-o
... and she has slightly pointy ears 'cause of her werewolf-ness. She be alot depressed, kinda like me. Her hair is about the same brown and long like mine once was.. snif I miss mu hair.. i-i
blinks S'ok if yu mu friend and hate HP. Not much people IRL likes HP where I am anyways. I don't look like a fan of things like that. But I really am. throw dictionnaries at me... Artwork © Copyright 2002 Kim Cyr
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