Iris van Blijderveen

Kreid by @punkyfox (Iris van Blijderveen)

A rough sketch of "Kreid". Wolf-elf thing (I do not know if they have their own species name. Bwah. Jos made me draw one when I just met him and did not have any clue what D&D was in the first place). Originally, the name Kreid was reserved to the surviving one of Krafla's sons, who ran away after Krafla "let" a worg kill her other son, Zhar. This Kreid is an elf-wolf thing though, so I doubt he could be related to her, since she's celestial-dragon. x_o; Anyway, Kreid's alignment is evil, he's usually pretty tranquil but will not miss out the opportunity to smack somebody's face to a wall. :3 I drew a better, bigger piccy of him on paper, but I don't know if I'll scan it; and I haven't colored it yet, either. x.x I made him up during a free hour at school. He knows some magic and likes small sabers / swords, daggers and stuff best, though staffs are also welcomed. ^_~ (zap!)

Rough / Concept
21y45d ago
Other Work By @punkyfox

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