Kurumi Shinsetsu-Rei

My Little Box
My Little Box by @devilishkurumi (Kurumi Shinsetsu-Rei)

Silent in my sanity, I live safe inside myself In the darkness that surrounds me I see my own special hell Caught up in this suffering, I feel warm inside this pain Four walls coming down on me, come on down again

I let you in and you come on so strong, babe, you're so f*king brave And you light a candle that fell in my cold and empty grave Sooner or later, you know this is what the people need Doing all that sht unto me, and leaving me here to bleed

Crater falls, on holy wars

Silent in my sanity, I live safe inside myself In the darkness that surrounds me, I see my own special hell Caught up in this suffering, I feel warm inside this pain Four walls coming down on me, come on down again

You woke me out of my secret grave You let your pretty world in

Now you're in my world, did you dream it'd be so small? My little box was perfect until you destroyed it all My sanctity of sorrow gone, forever in its place The saccharin sweet of you is all that's left to taste Feeling claustrophobic, now my world is closing in Subtle retribution, where I am and where I've been I'll take you to a place you never knew could be Curled up... in my little box... Artwork © Copyright 2003 Kurumi Shinsetsu-Rei

Teen (L)
21y19h ago
Other Work By @devilishkurumi

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