marla deepali

Swagat by @marla (marla deepali)

daydreaming, this came to me:

one day, Anju goes to the near-by village market to buy some fishing supplies - she loves to fish. as she is heading back to the convent, she meets a hunter with a young toucan he intends to raise and kill for its feathers. anju offers the hunter what money she has left for the toucan, but he refuses. so anju offers money AND the new fishing supplies for the bird to which he agreees is a fair trade.

she releases the bird and heads home. but many days pass and the nuns of coleção das lâmpadas notice a toucan following and spying on anju. Morrak suggests some berries to lure the toucan nearer. the toucan then perches right on Anju's arm! everyone tells her she has a new pet, but she tells them that she set it free and free it should stay. "but he will always be welcome to visit me."

thus the toucan's name: swagat, meaning welcome.

20y33d ago
Other Work By @marla

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