Sierra .

Mark and Kent Redesigns
Mark and Kent Redesigns by @Raven_Scarlett (Sierra .)

After the fact:

Here we have a speed sketch with some last-minute shading for interest. I think I'm finally getting the hang of drawing men.

Sooo... Wow. Where do I even start with these kids? They've been around since I was in junior high and boy howdy, have they gone through quite a few changes just within this past month. So you guys probably don't know what kind of personality they originally had (mostly Kent), but those have changed a lot as well.

The dude with glasses is Makuro "Mark" Nishimura (a Shadow Crafter by inclination) and the guy with the underbite is Kent Dabrowski (an electrokinetic, what his peers like to call a "Lightning Rod"). Mark's a native of Bar Harbor, Maine (where most of my characters originate, it seems) and Kent moved there at the age of seven since that's where his extended family lives. Mark and Kent are BFFs, albeit ambiguously so at times XD.

Both are what are metahumans, but live fairly normal lives, as this world has no use for superpowers... Okay, so they live normal lives until Kent takes it upon himself to become a vigilante at the age of seventeen and overpower common criminals... overkill. After that point, Mark's pretty much resigned himself to picking up after Kent's mess.

Observe, Mark's original design (he's the super-girly one... ew):

http://ravenscarlett.deviantart.com/art/Now-You-re-in-the-World-7943075 http://ravenscarlett.deviantart.com/art/Makuro-s-Sneaky-Revenge-14880823 http://ravenscarlett.deviantart.com/art/Snuggley-Kai-and-Makuro-FIN-12213436

And here we have both boys as college students, Mark with dreads and facial hair and Kent with a half-assed attempt at a goatee. Mark's been retconned to have had the glasses all through his grade school years, but the hair changes came along during his first year at his community college. Kent's pursuing a degree in Psychology at NYU and Mark's shooting first for a B.A. in biology and then he'll start on a long pursuit of a Ph.D in botany. My nerdy plant boy <3.

So the thing with Mark's name is this: He's got a Japanese name... Yeah. The story he comes from is a relic from a very long period of my life where everything had to be manga/anime influenced. He's had that name since I created him and though he's gotten a new look, new story, new relationships, and a completely new personality I still can't bear to change his name. So it goes like this, he's half Japanese (mother's from the US and father's from Japan) and his father wanted to name his son but his mom got to nickname him.

Anyway, I give you Mark and Kent.

Finished Work
15y47d ago
Other Work By @Raven_Scarlett

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