Bev Wooff

Shattered Glass char design 1 - Boni
Shattered Glass char design 1 - Boni by @Rexy (Bev Wooff)

I'm currently writing a fanfic based on the magic of six different worlds all coming together, and it's up to six kids to stop them. That fic, in case you're dead enough to read the title, is entitled "Shattered Glass". One of the kids will be Spike Dingo (he's already in my archive :P), and the first of the others here, is a human with bunny ears, tail and feet by the name of Boni. She was a street rat on the streets of Traverse Town (a world in Kingdom Hearts), however after spending her whole childhood on there she leaves the town, setting off to find someone that could look after her. Awww, bless. ^^ In terms of personality, she's a bit of a 'bimbo' (:P) when it comes to dealing with certain scenarios, and attracting males to her side. Think Pamela Anderson with wings. ^^*

Finished Work
21y112d ago
Other Work By @Rexy

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