Hobbez DaGreat

10 Worst Gifts
10 Worst Gifts by @hobbezdagreat (Hobbez DaGreat)

I was on the staff of my school newspaper and wasn't having much luck with my assignment. So my super nice teacher let me do a cartoon to go along with the top 10 segment. I drew da top 10 worst presents. Can't remember how they were chosen though, it was some other kid's assignment to write that. I didn't realize who I had drawn till after I started inking. It's Shugo. Poor Shugo, stuck with bad gifts. ^.^; The 10 worst gifts (in no particular order) are: clothes, a copy of The Chronicle (our school paper), fruitcake, cheese, backpack with pencil, Pokemon cards, Barney doll, flashlight, picture of Osama bin Laden, and the Lion King soundtrack - "In the Jungle" (Don't ask. Just don't ask. X.x)

Finished Work
22y203d ago
Other Work By @hobbezdagreat

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