
The cuteness is blinding!
The cuteness is blinding! by @SlayMeSpike (Lacey)

Wow, two finished pictures in a row. How amazing is that? Actually... how amazing is it that I actually uploaded two of any kind of pictures in a row? Maybe I'll be a bit more diligent to uploading, now that I've figured this scanner out, and I don't have to use my slow-as-crap computer any more. Hurray!

This picture. I love this picture. I really do. I really, really do. It came out so nicely, in my opinion. And my opinion is the only one that really matters to me, so how great is that? Super-great, I'd say!

Not to say I don't love commenters. Because I do. Greatly. I love them great. And if someone else likes this drawing, well, super! But I like it, and that's what counts to me.

So, uh, anyway. Here's Almighty Tallest Purple and my alter-ego Lazeria... just plain bein' cute. And aren't they? Yes indeedy!

Laz has got her paws around Purple's waist, bein' all protective 'cause she lurves him. And Purple's blushin' like something-witty-that-blushes-or-just-plain-looks-red! And, it's hard to notice, but Purple has one arm around (under) Laz's neck and is pettin' her :3 Su cute.

Lazeria is sporting those new markings I made for her a while back, but I don't know if she'll keep them. I'm really beginning to hate her design. I'm this | | close to changing her to a wolf/blue heeler hybrid, I sweah.

I tried to clean up the picture a little bit (emphasis on little) because this scanner tends to make things look dirty...

Finished Work
20y175d ago
Other Work By @SlayMeSpike

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