Blaze Hedgehog

Oekaki: 'Tis Kulock.
Oekaki: 'Tis Kulock. by @blazehgehg (Blaze Hedgehog)

An Oekaki. Hurrah. For some reason Windows doesn't like me viewing these, PSP crashes when I do -- for instance, so does Explorer. So if I upload a wrong one? Er, oops? I'd probably fix it ASAP.

Anyway. This is Kulock. Kulock runs the Mooglecavern(.com). Kulock's awesome. I did this when he opened the Oekaki, one of my first pics there. Too bad MoogleMB exceeded it's bandwidth for the month, and while Kulock was in the UK on a small trip, too. =/

Who knows what might have done it. In the past, MoogleMB has always exceeded bandwidth limitations constantly -- but because of DOS attacks (it was hosting a different MB, and apparently one of the members had a history of being DOS'd wherever he went), so it could be that again -- or it could be that we used it all up. :P

Er. But you don't care, do you?

Finished Work
21y261d ago
Other Work By @blazehgehg

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