Stephanie Ratté

Family... by @stepratt (Stephanie Ratté)

This picture had been sitting in my sketchbook for about 3 months before I decided to colour it. I figured it's finally time you guys see who one of Alex and Zandria's parents is: Yep, it's Noah... Okay, in ONE version of the many futures, Noah marries and has Alex and Zandria as his children. Unfortunately, at this time a war among the Humans and Animals has broken out, and Noah, who had joined the New Order Militia after college, must fight in the battle. His children, however, do not want their father to leave and want to stay with him, so Noah moves his entire family to the military base where Alex and Zandria enroll in military school. Noah, seen here in his Commander Uniform, still finds time to spend with his family despite his hectic schedule. That's all I'm going to tell you or it's going to spoil a future story I PLAN to write... (If it'll actually HAPPEN, who knows). Okay, Now I can comment on the picture. The original looks much better than this one, since my scanner eats up my pictures... (oy.) Noah's head is a bit too big in this picture, IMHO, but for some odd reason I like his legs in this. =Þ Alex and Zandria's arms look really bad on this pic tho... sigh Ah well. Still a nice pic.

Finished Work
23y59d ago
Other Work By @stepratt

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