Cheesy Wirt

1970 Maple Village Flag
1970 Maple Village Flag by @FurryKittens (Cheesy Wirt)
Note: This flag is fictional.

This flag is inspired by the Swedish and Canadian flag. The gold background represents the signature color of Maple Village, the blue represents healing from the Anti-Patriarcal Civil War (which began in January 1959 and ended in December 1968), and the golden maple leaf represents the alliance to Canada and honoring the Canadian soldiers. Since the 1970s, Maple Village took the time to heal from misogynistic dictatorship, repair the statues as well as the stucco houses, and replanting and nurturing maple trees that have been cut down from 1950 to 1958. In the summer months, the residents celebrate Swedish Midsummer in June and Canada Day in July. They celebrate the importance of Swedish culture and what makes Canada special.

"©" FurryKittens

Teen (O)
Finished Work
70d5h ago
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