Emily Spicer

Olivia13 by @loona (Emily Spicer)

Fear my angsty wrath!


Well, this isn't quite that. I drew this over a year and a half ago about a situation that no longer exists. Though it could be applied to the current state of things. Hm. Anyway, what was happening was that all around the same time, 4 people confessed their "undying love" to me. At the time, I was overwhelmed. I knew what I wanted, but I was scared to act upon it, mostly out of fear of how the others would react. I cared for them all dearly. I had to watch what I said or did, because I was dealing with hysterical fits every other day from at least one of the people. Needless to say, there was a lot of stress on me. And thus this image was born.

Though it looks like a simple, angstastic picture with disporportionate hands, there's actually a lot of personal symbolism involved. Most people wouldn't understand, so I'll understand.

The thread is there, obviously, to represent my self imposed restrictions. The placement also has meaning. The lips for obvious reasons. The strings tie into my neck because I have extreme issues with my neck. I don't letanyone touchg my neck, and if somehow someone manages to I usually freak out. Thus my vulnerablility is shown, in that there's something inflicting large amounts of pain to my neck.

Now, the hands are a big thing on their own. I have very small, thin hands with long fingers. All my life, I have been very skilled with my hands, be it drawing, playing my viola, or just being generally crafty. One of my greatest fears is that my fingers will get chubby and I'll lose the skill with them I have now. The large hands represent the clumsiness and lack of ability I have in the situation. Clumsy, bumbling hands that mess up and drop everything they try and cradle. The strings are there furthering the restricted movement and discomfort. If you've ever noticed, most pictures I draw depicting extreme emotion have gigantic hands. Now you know why.

This picture is something I consider to be closer to "art" than what I usually do. Mostly because of the expression of emotion and deep personal symbolism. This description was long and annoying.

Teen (V)
Finished Work
19y344d ago
Other Work By @loona

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