Karette Maple

Yumemiru? by @Zuka (Karette Maple)

Here's Tidus of FFX, gazing up at the pretty blue sky. ^_^ It took me SO long to complete! Possibly because the background is the first thing I've ever drawn and colored completely using my tablet! Some of it is a little sloppy, but I think I'm improving...?

The notes in the border are a special bonus. If you want to hear what they sound like, go here:


I absolutely loved the music, so I downloaded about 50 MIDIs of it and put together this simple medley of a few of my favorite excerpts for fun. La da da dee...

Any comments or critiques are REALLY appreciated.

(There are a ton of extra sources for this image that wouldn't fit in the additional credits:

I have to thank my good friend for letting me watch her play for 20-something hours, lol.

NoteWorthy Player for the screen grabs!

This gallery really inspired me: http://nanami-yuki.deviantart.com/ Some of it is a little scary, but her coloring is amazing! I looked at lots of her art before and after I drew the line art. Eee How wish I could color like that...

Finally, it wouldn't have been possible without the many websites I had to visit to figure out how to draw that insane costume!)

Finished Work
19y326d ago
Other Work By @Zuka

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  • Heavy Critique - A serious analysis of this work, with emphasis on identifying potential problem areas, good use of technique and skill, and suggestions for potentially improving the work.
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