Eric Broffel

Sam the Salamander
Sam the Salamander by @Eric_Broffel (Eric Broffel)

Thanks to the tutorial tip by the good Kyle Carrozza, I went ahead and tried to draw both my Ned and Sam characters the way he showed me. As I got comfortable drawing their bodies in a new way, I went and did a couple of facial expressions of my own to see if I got the idea. It was pretty much all about the basics of GESTURE drawing. Something I've learned during my drawing class in college that I should've kept in mind this whole time. And I thank Kyle for helping me open up my eyes more and realize that stiff error of mine.

So pretty soon I'll be incoporating this newer style onto my comics as soon as I can. Til then, enjoy the new look of Ned and Sam thanks to the inspiration of Kyle Carrozza.

To Kyle: Thanks a lot friend!

Finished Work
20y59d ago
Other Work By @Eric_Broffel

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