E. Davis

Adinar by @EDavis (E. Davis)

Meh, a random thing here, but I like it a lot. Some sort of equine-ish amphibious mammal-thingy! Yaaaay! I haven't decided on a species name, but I've decided to call this fella 'Adinar'. As you can see, he kinda resembles a horse and a dragon... he has long legs for fast running, but those large feet and hands are also equipped with webbing for good swimming. They can hold their breath for a good amount of time (even sleep underwater). On land, they usually are quadrapedal, but if they need to run quickly, they 'rear up' and run on their hind legs. Whee. Artwork © Copyright 2002 Unopa Nightfire

Rough / Concept
22y168d ago
Other Work By @EDavis

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