Rebecca Mason

Serena Wild, a she-kat full of innocence.
Serena Wild, a she-kat full of innocence. by @Rebecca (Rebecca Mason)

This is Serena, she is an alt. version of Manga, Based off an RP with K.S. Serena is a Beduin like Kitiara Sonye however she trains in the art of sorcery however even though she is 14 she still likes to play around and waste her time by putting tails on Namekians and chasing butterflies, She is a friend to the 16 year old Maestra Kitiara Sonye who has known her since Serena was only 5, And Serena is very much like a little sister to Kitiara. Serena doesn't own a dragon or a firelizard, she does however own a Nimbus cloud that she can ride on since she has a pure heart. Serena also makes friends with a girl called Laurana and also becomes friends with the escaped Sayain slave named Gohan. In this pic Serena is just chasing a pretty butterfly, one of her favourite past-times ^_^.

Finished Work
22y156d ago
Other Work By @Rebecca

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