The mech pilot
The mech pilot by @lh (L. H)

... Listening on the Data-jack... to the latest updates from the occupied zones.

Hi son decided to join the cause and fight, you see.

Despite fathers disapproval.

His son said that is was a matter of honour.

War made his father what he was, after all, and that was to be admired. And envied. Who didn't want to be like him?

National Hero. Then when only a commander he had held the line - at all costs. And like cans of beer shot off the fence, they feel to his left and right.

But he held the line.

Not only that, he pushed forward and even punished the Enemy with what was left of the Trinary and despite the malfunctioning gyro of his mech.

Two more lives were violently ended in only in the last seconds. Both were his friends. Both were hit simulataneously by armour piercing antillery. Their cockpits burst open, the multi-layered torn steel and armour around the gaping holes where the pilots should have been were as if the metalic petals of bizarre flowers.

But he had bought enough time for reinforcements to arrive... thus was the Capital spared.

Yes, national hero.

Brave Son of the Nation.

And keeper of secrets that sane people would never believe happen in war. Massacres and depravity certainly exist some might admit themsleves... but never on our side... only the Enemy is capable of such atrocites... surely.


The Mech Pilot.

22y220d ago
Other Work By @lh

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