Jacqueline Rawlings

what by @Indifferent (Jacqueline Rawlings)

I was going to color this, but oC decided that it was high time to crap out on me while I was coloring. So you guys get the cruddy colorless version. lD

ANYWAY. To the left is Stefka (seventeenish?) and the adorable little scamp to the right is Sueki. This picture is from the portion of my storyline pertaining to Stefka's self-exile from the Underground to the country; he's disguised himself as a blind player of the shamisen looking instrument thing he's holding (inspired waytoomuch by the actual blind shamisen players of Japan Dx) so that he won't get dragged back to the Underground, which is by all definitions a whirling cesspool of a city-state.

Sueki, knowing not of what she speaks, asks if Stefka is a painted lady (to put it politely xo), because her older brother once told her that the ones from the Underground use the shamisen looking instrument thing (I need a name for it I think) to attract...customers (giggle). Stefka is too shocked by these words coming from the mouth of a four-year-old girl to form a coherent answer. x:

I really need to draw scenes from this bit of Stefka's story more often. They're nicer and funnier and gentler and lack the ZOMGTRAGEDY! D: of his earlier and later years. :s

Teen (O)
Rough / Concept
16y354d ago
Other Work By @Indifferent

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