Fabian Wittke

Not much, but a start.
Not much, but a start. by @Fawriel (Fabian Wittke)


YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'M BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHOOHOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know you missed me. Your looks of disgust can't fool me. ^_~ Alright, I know I haven't been around for a LONG time.. and I haven't commented on anything, either... Y'see, I just don't feel like doing anything like that without my comp in my own room.. it sucks. XP But, if you really want me to comment on your piccies, just tell me, and I'll be glad to check out what I missed. ^^ I'll also try to draw more again... I found out I've either really rusted or I have great problems with faces.. shrugs

---And to all you who are waiting for piccies, I WILL get them done.. just give me some time to get back into art, PUH-LEASE! ^^;;;---

Okay, and now to the piccy. Those are two soldiers of Yumaldeus' and a genetically manipulated dragon monster. The Wache is Faw's second ever encounter with an enemy. Their strength is about... Level 2 in FF measurement or Battle Power 10 in DBZ. Yah. The Klasse 2 soldier is quite the tough guy and appears a little later... his weapon is sort of a metal jojo.. hey, it looks odd, but you can seriously destroy people with that thing.. o_o His power is about Level 5 in FF measurement or Battle Power 20 in DBZ. Or something. The Siegfried.. I dunno. It looks stronger than a Klasse 2 soldier even. o_o I'll think about that..

Anyways, whee yay!

20y251d ago
Other Work By @Fawriel

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