Vanessa Halls

Cel and Zan
Cel and Zan by @enn (Vanessa Halls)

awwww....I love this piccytwar. It's from an RP scene wif :S. Zan and Cel were just off fighting zombie-like monsters and suchnot, :S being the Silent Hill/Resident Evil nut she is. And, yeah, Zan, who is Keir's "identical twin" of sorts (see her bio. XE) is obviously immortal as well, but his otherrealmly ( XD that's not even a word) wounds weren't healing. So, Cel is fixing him up...You see, I never really liked Zan much, so I don't think he deserves Cel's affection, but then it hit me, maybe he's like Keir, who covers up all his humiliation and pain with all that angst and hatred. Maybe so. shrug. But, he's just always been such a jerk to my baby Keir I have an excuse to dislike him. sobs.

Anyway, a-HEM. I still love this picture, it so sweet. Cel's supposed to look worried about him, did it work? Did I actually succeed in making accurate facial features?! Probably not, but I'll pretend so anyway.

Oh, Cel's one of my Irken characters (my fifth. c.c.) I've had her for...EVER, but I've never uploaded the only pic aside from this. She's b, I'll upload a picture of just her soon. Her full name is Celeste, meaning of the heavens, i think. Yeah. c.c Her antennae are braided in case you're wondering. Okay, that's all the nonsense you'll get from me. Artwork © Copyright 2003 Vanessa Halls

Rough / Concept
21y155d ago
Other Work By @enn

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