Andi Maxwell

Akuma...Feline Sex Queen
Akuma...Feline Sex Queen by @amaxwell (Andi Maxwell)

Okay, so I've got this idea brewing for a Pokemorph fanfiction, and one of the characters-my villains, they're all twisted hentai brains-is a Persian anthro. She's also a skank. She has not only the regular abilities of a Persian, but has cultivated the interesting ability to seduce the pants/skirt off of anything with two legs and a pulse. She often tries to take on straight women too just for the sheer pleasure of a)the challenge and b)the look on their faces when she lets them go and they realize that they've just made out with a girl. cackles She's eeeebil. But sexi. She figures heavily into an online rp I'm doing with a friend where she seduces said friend to keep her (yes, her) from reaching her goals...kind of freaky, but fun. XD

Rated Teen for a little bit o' nudity (yes, you can see the top of her boobies hanging out and there is a hole in her shirt right in front) and for other in case people have something else to complain about. ^^;;

Artwork © Copyright 2002 Andi Maxwell

Teen (NO)
Rough / Concept
21y313d ago
Other Work By @amaxwell

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