Crimson Skyez

Princess of the Ocean
Princess of the Ocean by @crimskye (Crimson Skyez)

The first Vaporeon Pokemorph I ever drew, and the first 'morph I've drawn in a very long time. I randomly came up with this idea for some reason, and put it down on paper. A true mermaid of the Pokemorph world. Yes, I used the smoothing tool again, tried to give it a dreamier look. If I could, I'd find a place to RP her as, but I don't even have a name for her.

And now, some info on her:

A vaporeon was held in Team Rocket's labs, having been held there after she was stolen from the breeding center. Finally she had an egg, and the egg was incubated until it was hatched. A baby eevee emerged, very small and delicate for her species. A few days passed, and she was trained. They tried to make her stronger, and it succeeded... to an extent. She was barely level 20 when she was submitted to the morphing process, and usually morphs well into their higher level ranges were submitted to ensure survival. First she was evolved, using a Water Stone and thusly turned into a Vaporeon. She didn't mind... for she was only a few months old and didn't understand what was going on. Then she was submitted into the laboratory, and her entire life changed in an instant...

Something went wrong. Submitting children to the morphing process was not a good idea. Sure, she was morphed, but something horrible happened. Her legs... they were completely paralyzed from the waist down. The agents were disappointed.. apparently they forgot to overlook the muscle growth in the babymon. They amputated her legs because if they didn't, she would die and all that money would have been for naught, but it was useless. There was no use for her. She was too young to hold her own in any field assignment they sent her on. So they solumnly threw her away into the ocean, where she would probably get eaten by sharks or hungry Dragonite or something.

She never had a chance to learn how to swim and with only two limbs she soon began to sink towards the bottom, helpless. Indeed, a creature found her... a starving Gyarados, who soon swooped upwards to snag the Vaporeon for breakfast. Luckily a Lapras came along and sent the Gyarados away. She helped the Vaporeon-morph, and taught her everything she needed to know, and soon she grew up, growing older, living the life of the mythilogical mermaids among the sea, with a Lapras for a mother.

She shides from humans and other morphs, but yet is intrigued by them.. She doesn't remember ever being a 'land dweller', all she can remember is the comfort of the deep sea which is all she has. Artwork © Copyright 2002 Crimson Skyez

Finished Work
21y236d ago
Other Work By @crimskye

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