Roisin Marsh

Prototype A fox droid
Prototype A fox droid by @Foxxie_Angel (Roisin Marsh)

can I class this as furry??? well I dont know but what the hell, this is Prototype A, first of a new "breed" of mecha, deigned by Aztaania's best scientists and mechanics, Prototype A is a pure killing machine, she has the ability to control the minds of others and is skilled in all fighting techniques not to mention magic..... yes she has magic, somewhere within her body is a vile with the blood of an ancient vixen dark witch,Prototype A's ability to think has left her distressed, she cant understand why she has no fur or hair, why she cant feel pain yet she can inflict it, she has become rather twisted and demonic she believes if she kills a real vixen she will become real, the vixen she has in mind is Zoe,but despite this for some unknown reason Zoe has a soft spot for the mecha

Teen (O)
Finished Work
22y250d ago
Other Work By @Foxxie_Angel

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