Nichol Stout

Most of the Kids from the Comic
Most of the Kids from the Comic by @Amocin (Nichol Stout)

These are the kids of Nicoma, from my comic books, not to be confused with AMOCIN of RP, two totally diffrent dimentions almost. Koutack is my favorite in this pic, the punk dragon. Theres also the adult form of Woof, the gold and purple wolf. Hes always feral... cept in this one comic strip i made... youll see that later. Um.. there is also Kovanna the white tiger... kinda looking mad at a guy not seen but his back and tail in the pic.... sorry was too big for the scanner.. Theres also Katanna, the cute lil girl with the green spots, and Vadtwo again.. smoking a cigarette... DONT WORRIE HE IS 19.. the youngest one there is Katanna she is 12... and Woof is 15 Artwork © Copyright 2002 Nichol Stout

Finished Work
21y214d ago
Other Work By @Amocin

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