
Various Pokemon Sketches
Various Pokemon Sketches by @ookamij64 (Julie)

Slowly been getting back into drawing with a few mental caveats involved. Doesn't help that I worry oh so much over a job that I get told I'm doing okay with but anxiety says otherwise...

I do have a few bigger pieces I work on slowly but most days I end up doing sketches with pen or markers I find laying around. Various dates on these but most of the time I try to just doodle on a scrap piece of paper and paste them in my sketch book. Have had the book for a little over a decade now so anything that would help filling it up would help.

Most of these are messy but I honestly feel pretty lax at doing them like this. No pressure, just draw. I'm impressed with that Meganium though.

Pokemon &Copy1996-2024 TPCi and GameFreak

Rough / Concept
2d23h ago
Other Work By @ookamij64

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