Jimi Newman

Merry christmas to the players of Lake Eerie!
Merry christmas to the players of Lake Eerie! by @jiminewman (Jimi Newman)

Well, Mistie Kidder is an AWESOME firend of mine, as well as an AWESOME artist, so we decided to work together on this project, a picture of Achikochi and tachiguys whole family, posing for a group foto in the name of the wonderful christmas season! From left to right we got Achikochi, looking pretty as ever, Eva being characteristicly cute, Evin who's just been inducted into the clan, Ootachi sama in the Back there lookin all evil....not a family member exactly, but even the sadistic ever hungry ludmouthed people of the world should be allowed to join in at christmas, Tachiguy himself, contemplating the universe, the meaning of life, and whats for dinner, Flailer looking happy to have family all around, Daina who has a new look, a yet to be introduced mystery character..DUN DUN DUUUUUNNNN, Hawk on the ear of Rocky who's being his adorable self, with Mimishi down in front of the Kanga-kid, looking very happy indeed! Tachiguys Momma with Digfast standing beside her looking a bit chibi-esque standing next to everyone else! Then we got Indy and Moss in the foreground there, goofin off as usual, and there we have Sparry, showing that you can be a long eaten bucket of KFS n still have a life, and pouncing him is Achi and tachi's deceased son Brownie, showing that being dead doesnt have to cramp yer style! I think thats everyone...lotta people, but then whats christmas without family huh? ^_^

22y169d ago
Other Work By @jiminewman

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