Katie Ames

Medicated Delirium
Medicated Delirium by @katiames (Katie Ames)

I had to go to MaryView Medical Center for Sleeping Disorders to get a sleep study and they hooked a billion little things all over my head and body and when i was asleep i had to keep the cords on and i had to walk around with them hooked to a Box that i carried on my shoulder like a purse. It wasnt fun, not to mention it was uncomfortable and everyone stared at me. I WAS LOCKED IN A ROOM FOR 24 HOURS and the hospital had only a few channels so i had to entertain myself with the Nanny =*( I went insane. Anyways theres my char Miseree wearing all the little dohickeys i wore. Ooo scary. Artwork © Copyright 2002 Katie Ames

Teen (N)
21y327d ago
Other Work By @katiames

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