Kim Cyr

Water Dragon: Meraquadraiku
Water Dragon: Meraquadraiku by @NamelessDragonic (Kim Cyr)

This is the water Draiku, the Meraquadraiku. (mer= ocean in french and aqua means water, so it kinda fit it o.o) Description: They usually live in lakes and oceans, sometimes in ponds or marshes. The ones living in the oceans and lakes have very pale colors to blend in to their enviroment. The ones from the marshes and ponds are more greenish-sludge to brownish-black colors to blend in the yucky waters. They ocean types are just like shown above (slender, dolphin-like tail, longs arms to paddle in the water, fins along their back). The marsh types are more warty-like and don't have a long spine along their backs. Their paws don't really have sharp claws and their tail is simpler than the ocean one. Humans fish with the Meraquadraiku and clean up the ocean floors. ... can't think of anything else... Artwork © Copyright 2002 Kim Cyr

22y134d ago
Other Work By @NamelessDragonic

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