
I think it's a Grundo...
I think it's a Grundo... by @SlayMeSpike (Lacey)

Okay. It's Zim, GIR, and some random Grundo. Zim is angry because I drew a Grundo (at first I wasn't going to add Zim, I just had the Grundo on the page, and then I got the idea to add Zim ^-^; ) So yeah. He thinks that Grundos/Neopets in general are going to take his place as the number one thing I draw :P (of course, they won't XP)

I truly apologize to all the GIR fans and Jhonen for this... I really... really can't draw him in his dog suit =/ And his head is just... completely screwed. Sorry again.

I really like how Zim came out... the Grundo... not so much... =/

If you can't really tell, Zim is riding on GIR's head, who is hovering with his nifty rocket-feet thingies. Joy.

The Grundo is anthro-fied because it's fun... FUN I TELL YOU! Yup. Can't read my handwriting? Here's what Zim's sayin':

"What is this foul creature that tries to take my artist?!"

points to Grundo's eyes Can you tell I've been drawing Zim far too long? Artwork © Copyright 2003 Lacey Kendra

21y193d ago
Other Work By @SlayMeSpike

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