Ellen Margot

DDR conversations
DDR conversations by @Elena (Ellen Margot)

The RedShank girls, once again.

This is a small comic-page I made for an online friend, and as you can see the quality of this scan isn't too good - my scanner died, and I had to use a camera to take a photograph and upload the drawing..

Anyway. I have it rated T because they're talking about stripping. Didn't know for sure if that was appropriate for an E rating ;D

Well. The two girls are competing against each other on the Dance Dance Revolution machine (which is a lovely game!), and their ideas as for what the loser has to do get weirder and weirder when they advance levels... ;D

Sylvana (on the right) is wearing clothes with the American flag's colors. But the stars are now dots, because I was lazy. But nobody notices the flag! Look better, you.. points accusingly

Drawn with pencils, inked the outlines.

Teen (L)
Finished Work
19y125d ago
Other Work By @Elena

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