Vaughn Rogers

The Guardian
The Guardian by @wolfrider333 (Vaughn Rogers)

This is a Character sketch of a very powerful animal. Her colors are only white and black, but the inner fire is RED.

Each wing can expand to twice her body length (nose to tail tip), and her tail is the length of her body. She can fly at amazing speeds, and she can shape-shift into any living organism she wants, using the transferrance of energy.

Her claws can retract on her wings and paws, and her tail end has a mighty spike. She is telepathic and telekenetic, to an extent with telekenetics, and she has been living since the first evil had arrived on this Earth.

She is sister to BlueBlade and GreenFire, and as one they are the Ultamate protection this Earth can have in terms of living beings. Hush! She speaks!

I live among the shadows because you are too tired to understand me. I protect life and preserve love, and I find you destroying it.

Why do you torment me my brothers and sisters, for our energy is connected. The life force that surges through me surges through you as well and I have become stretched and worn with the energy I have received in return.

You do not know pain that I have seen and suffered as I watched countless millions die over these long and tortureous years. I love you all, do you not see?

Is my love not enough? I am the strongest and most powerful creature any God has ever had the chance to lay eyes on, and yet my strength is outnumbered by hatered.

My sisters and I are weary, they carry many burdens, but no more than I. We have died for you Three painful, and bloody times. You do not know this because if you were to see us you would kill us.

I am speaking to you from the future and I can tell you it is grim. Time is not healing the Earth as it usually does, because it is being killed slowly over time.

It is a living creature like you and I, and it does not have any more strength in it now to fight evil away from you. Fellow creatures of the Earth!

I CALL UPON YOU! Save the love you have before it is too late! Help me to prevent evil that is choking this fair planet!

Love is stronger than you could ever imagine, and humans are the greatest force behind it. I shall be watching and waiting for you to heed my words.

I love you all, and remember the pains those after you will have to bare. Don't let them have to bare it.

I shall be watching over you, for...I am the Guardian of the Earth!

Finished Work
20y181d ago
Other Work By @wolfrider333

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