Li Chi Son

Shadowed Love....
Shadowed Love.... by @Li_Chi (Li Chi Son)

Great title eh? -_-;

God this piece is depressing in a very elegant and melancholy way. Too bad I'm not that mood tho ;P.

This love triangle is pulling me into it very much! This is about the 6 piece I've done on this idea in 2-3 days already! It's so interesting that I really can't write this part down until I write out the encounters and experience..... YEAH! MOTIVATION! (I really need it)

Done in a dark brown pencil crayon, this picture has a thousand meanings but if you look closely at the facial expression, you'll see a deeper story....can you guess??

((thoughts ~ Look at Mung Ying (guy on left) his eyes are inverted downwards and he doesn't look too happy. Flameyume on the other hand looks very triumphal, he has conquered the heart while also belongs to his twin brother, the Dream Emperor.

Poor MY....I feel really bad for putting him though this ((>;P, sadistic, evil me!)) The facial expression comes from his inner torment, he loves the Dream Emperor but twisted fate came in and his feelings for Flameyume seem to be the same, but yet it is too clouded and confusing for MY to decide.....

Don't worry MY, I'll comfort you wink

Artwork © Copyright 2003 Li Chi Son

Finished Work
22y203d ago
Other Work By @Li_Chi

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