Kez Dispenzer

Enigma- concept sketches
Enigma- concept sketches by @kez (Kez Dispenzer)

Oh, how I despise yet love my brain, for it poked and prodded me until I drew this out. x_x stupid 10%-using thing! ::cough:: er-- here be the desriptiony things you can't read cuz I scanned it small:

Key An experiment. Escaped Nirvana labs soon after creation. Noone is sure what he is, but he eagerly awaits the day where he is able to destroy ENIGMA[see below] for bringing him into his pointless existence..

Euphoria Mysterious, droid-like beings that serve ENIGMA. They communicate telepathically due to their lack of a mouth, and have no ability to express emotion, nor do they feel anything except pain. Their power source, Euphor, hence their name, is provided by ENIGMA, and protects them, as well as acting as a weapon.

ENIGMA The strange suspended substance that resides at the heart of planet Nirvana, home to the Euphoria. It commands their will and whim, but what they don't know is they are simply altered lab creatures. Though noone is quite sure of its reasons and motives, ENIGMA adores performing experiments and trying to create lifeforms, failing again and again.

That's from left to right on the bottom. XP Not sure if I should go through with this yet, as it's got elements of other things I've seen or read. But, it's sci-fi-ish... So. Yea. X3;

22y69d ago
Other Work By @kez

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