Li Chi Son

A cute cuddle picture of the two mismatched pair...
A cute cuddle picture of the two mismatched pair... by @Li_Chi (Li Chi Son)

Yeah! I have a name for my fics and I'm starting to write them down on paper....kinda have writer's block cuase I haven't dreamt it too far but I got this one down already.

It's the second meeting of Kuroyume and Petit. Petit is dressed up differently from his traditional fuku. It has more bells on it!! YEAH!!!....gota type up those fics!! drives herself crazy dreaming too many weird things and not on the fic

I did this pic long long long time ago, before I even came up with clothing for Kuro, he had much puffier hair back then..... this was the second pic I drew when I came up with this idea....((in 1998)) gah! Been so long! N E Hoo! His face looks weird on the computer screen....-_- nuts.....

All in all, looks really good to me!!! YEAH!


Finished Work
22y184d ago
Other Work By @Li_Chi

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