Jessica Hayes

bad guys page 1
bad guys page 1 by @jesshaye (Jessica Hayes)

This is the rough of the rough for the final page. XD;; Being anal is fun. Anyway, I figured I'd see if I can make this into a comic project to run along Something. (I really need a break from Something, or it'll die.)

Kasey and I had gone out for her birthday and I told her all about this project, and so she helped me develop the first tale. ^^ Basically, their HQ was destroyed by the good guys (who I also have sketched out, but not finished, colored, or named), so the Boss is looking for a new one, leaving his generals and henchmen in an Arby's to wait. He finds a place, but his house warming party didn't pan out, meaning nobody came and he got no jell-o, so it's up to Beaulieu to cheer him up!!!1! strike a pose

For those that don't know, MST3K = Mystery Science Theater 3000, which is appropriate for Connif to say since all of them are named after MST3K people. XD;; GUIDE:

The Boss = Hodgson Purple bubble guy = Chaplin Pink bubble girl = Pehl Blue bubble boy = Beaulieu Orange bubble boy = Connif Artwork © Copyright 2002 Jessica Hayes

21y350d ago
Other Work By @jesshaye

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