New Char Kyokugashi
New Char Kyokugashi by @EWM (E M)

ooooo look everyone its a new char ^^ since I made my Kanashiiko hair different it reminded me or Rogue from X-Men so I decided to make a loner char kinda like rogue....kitty is kinda a loner...well I was gonna name her Rogue in jap but that didn't work so I named her Kyokugashi which supposedly means outsider....person in the back raise his hand and says ooo is she albino noooo she isn't albino see she's got blue eyes and blue tinted fur so there not albino look like she has supernatural powers she is glowing ooo look at the glow lol...well I'm gonna stop talkin now hehehehe hope you like my new char tell me what'cha think...^^

Finished Work
21y285d ago
Other Work By @EWM

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