Nikki Star

Surprise! by @NightmareNikki (Nikki Star)

Yes, I am a hopeless Trunks fanatic. ^^; This is actually a scene from my friend's, nearly never-ending fic, DBAZ. Dragonball After Z. The girl Mr. Mirai is kissing is my character, who I dubbed my own name, Nikki :P Its not really self insertion, because its not the real me!

Ok, anyway, this is a scene that starts with Goku and Rini (my friend's character) fighting together. Then, Nikki and Trunks walk in on them and argue about who would win. Then THEY start to bout! After this, more and more characters come in, and it goes on until we all finally just stop. In the end, Trunks and Nikki start up again, just arguing in each other's face. While a stare off, they look deeply in to each other's eyes...All of a sudden, out of nowhere, BOOM! Trunks leans in and kisses her! ^_^ I thought that was such a cute scene, so I decided to draw it. I drew this a looooooooong time ago. In a lapse of months, I mean. I colored it about a week ago, so now I finally shocase it to you! What do yout think?

Finished Work
21y267d ago
Other Work By @NightmareNikki

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