Evelien Chewy

Birthday Gift For SE
Birthday Gift For SE by @evelchew (Evelien Chewy)

I drew this for SE's birthday last Sunday. Yes, I DID finish it in time.. I just couldn't bother to upload it HERE sooner XD But here it is!

I was actually already working on this when she and I were writing notes to each other. At first I just found her a very good and inspiring artist and wanted to draw her a piccie for that reason, but now I also discovered that she ROCKS! So, double goodness. ^_^

I wanted to draw Ayotte because SHE HAS SUCH A COOL TAIL, but while sketching I found out that her tail would look really out of place @_@ Then I thought "YAY! I CAN MAKE IT OFF CENTER!" cos off-centerness rocks and stuff, but again, I discovered her tail would just not fit GRRR! I’ll draw her again sometimes.. WITH her tail!!

Was trying different textures a bit.. and failed [crahs] I need to find a way to draw/colour hair better too.

Christmas may be over, but winter isn’t yet! I can still draw snowy pictures! Bwahaha. I likes snowy pictures.. they’re neat.

Media: Photoshop Elements

Artwork © Copyright 2003 Evelien Chewy

Finished Work
21y145d ago
Other Work By @evelchew

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