Tiffany Betancourt

Cabbit siblings
Cabbit siblings by @rho_sama (Tiffany Betancourt)

x__x Geez, I haven't uploaded in the longest while. I have a lot of art to load, but since I can only upload two pictures a day, it might take awhile before I upload everything here. Any of you remember when I asked for help on Furry anthros on one of my pics? I doubt it, but someone actually replied to my little plea of help THANKS JIM And sent me a reference pic of how to draw a female anthro. I decided to test my skill on the male, since I haven't gotten the reference pic for that. I'm sorry for the nudity, but it's easier to draw then trying to draw clothing and such. They are supposed to be cabbit siblings (brother and sister) Hence the girl having rabbit ears and a cat tail. . . the male has cat ears and is supposed to have a rabbit tail, but I forgot to add it. Yes he is legless . . . I'm not really good at drawing legs @.@ Welz, I'm ranting. I'll get to work on uploading a second image . . . Thanks again Jim, I really appreciate your help ^^ As you can tell, I used your style of drawing noses, I hope that's not considered art theft xx;

Mature (N)
Rough / Concept
20y222d ago
Other Work By @rho_sama

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