Stephanie R

The Joey/Chase clan
The Joey/Chase clan by @Lea_the_Wolf (Stephanie R)

Ok, SERIOUSLY quick sketches of Joey and Chase's children. Their names are Maria, Kai, and Leonardo. (Aka Leo)

Maria- She's white with a black stripe down her back, some on her tail, and spreading from her stomache to her feet. She has blue eyes. The short- shorts and tank are royal blue, while the sleve thingies are a powder blue. (I tried to give her a Maria Robotnik esque, while giving her the dance instructor image her mom had.)

Kai- He looks like his mom, with blue hair, blackish grey fur, and the little white triangle above his nose. Following the gang image of his father, he sports the leather jacket, green eyes, and very dark green pants. (He looks very evil, whether he is or not is up to Chase. I think he's very Shadow-like in character, speaking that he is Kai's mentor. So the rest is up to her.)

Leo- He is very casual, very laid back, and very fun loving. His color is plain orange, with a little tip of white on his tail. He prefers comfy clothing, rather than waisting his time on clothes that look good rather than one's that FIT. Very simple, very casual. Surprisingly, his mentor is the running maniac, Sonic the Hedgehog. (Since both Kai and Leo have adopted many of their mentor's personality traits, and just the fact they're brothers, they beat the crap outta eachother on a regular basis. But they still are buds. ^_~)

EEEEEEEEE I hope you like! ^_^

Rough / Concept
17y273d ago
Other Work By @Lea_the_Wolf

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