Casey-Rae Andrews

Casey-Rae, Reformed!
Casey-Rae, Reformed! by @Spot_The_Dog (Casey-Rae Andrews)

This is what Casey-Rae now looks like. Here's the basic storyline, too: Mankind has changed a lot in the past forty years. Animals and humans work side-by-side, with animals doing what is basic to them, but complex to an average human, and in return, humans take care of them. But one man has gone just a little bit too far. His name is Kapolei Napoleon, supposedly a descendant of Napoleon Bonaparte. One day in 2034, he discovered a very old video game, called Crash Bandicoot. He saw how Cortex got power over animals by evolving them into humanoids. The disk stopped running before it shows of Cortex’s failure, and Kapolei was hooked on the power. For ages he tried to make the same thing happen, constantly building up his own Vortex and experimenting on one of the last dingoes in the world; a white dingo called Casey-Rae. She was the victim of these cruel attempts. Eventually, Kapolei’s wish came true, when his partner Natrona Braise managed to create the true Vortex. Stealing the credit, he created Casey-Rae, in hope to raise her as his general to overcome the biggest threat to mankind, Vexacus. Nobody knows who he is; they wouldn’t even know he existed if they hadn’t found the bodies, and one man who told them of Vexacus’ plans to take over the world. He died before telling them what he was. Now, Kapolei is trying to create a whole army to find out who this man is. (Although he only has Casey-Rae yet) Not that he actually gets any credit; most normal humans think he’s insane. All Australians have left their hometown just to avoid him, and are now scattered around the world. Kapolei has half of Australia to himself. Maybe his lust to destroy Vexacus is connected to some sort of longing to wipe out what inhabits Australia, IE a few animals, half of the Australian popularity and the odd dingo. Ten years on, Casey-Rae will either obey his wishes or rebel. What do you think? Long, eh? It's the whole of chapter one. 0_0 Casey-Rae: I don't think they needed to know that much. Spot: Well, I never asked you.

19y210d ago
Other Work By @Spot_The_Dog

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